Saturday, January 21, 2012

Joining With Others for Greater Impact

God said it Himself, “I desire that none should perish but all come to repentance” 2 Peter 3:9.  This truth has been driven deeper into my soul having met with the International Mission Board Executive Staff and Christian World Leaders these past few days in Richmond, Virginia.

 If this is God’s heart for all humanity then what is mine?

For much of our time together we discussed the 6,682 unreached people groups around the world, 3,501 of which are not only unreached but unengaged [meaning there is no missionary, church or agency at work to bring the gospel to these people groups].  God’s Word says, “This Gospel of the Kingdom must be proclaimed throughout the whole world, as a testimony to the nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14) If I truly understand that I had better be concerned about these 3501 people groups who have no access to the Gospel.   We have the resources necessary to make it happen.  We have the command of God to make it happen.  We have the Spirit of God to make it happen.  We have the Word of God to make it happen.  Do we have the will of God to see His will be done on earth as it is in heaven?

Co:Mission ministry will be joining with the International Mission Board and other leading ministries through the Fellowship of Baptist World Ministries to intensify it’s focus to engage these people groups scattered around the world.   This is truly the greatest time to be alive to preach the gospel.  God is moving throughout the world to bring thousands to Himself. The most amazing part: people not only want to hear but are ready and willing to follow Christ like no other time in Christian history. According to the current reports from around the world, God is moving in unprecedented ways. In some areas, 30,000 a day are coming to Christ.

The great commission is grabbing hold of my heart.  What we can do through proclaiming the Word of God, for the glory of God by the Spirit of God through the church of God is breathtaking.  “I make it my ambition to preach the Gospel, not where Christ has already been named, least I build on another man’s foundation.  But as it is written, those who have not been told will see and those who have not heard will understand”. 

Mark with Dr Tom Eliff, President of the International Mission Board

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